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The smarter way to understand, check and control models

Visicon gives designers unprecedented visibility into all of the design, analysis, and production BIM models they use and review. No matter the source (Revit®, IFC, ETABS®, ADAPT, point cloud, etc.), our solution provides an easy and powerful way to understand, compare, and check project models.

We offer 3 product tiers based on your model management needs:

  • Our Free Viewer is a best in class viewer that allows you to immediately view, combine, measure and markup BIM models in a compressed file format.
  • Our Standard Edition allows you to coordinate and identify conflicts between models including those from various analysis platforms.
  • Our Professional Edition provides a comprehensive model comparison and checking engine.
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Product Matrix

(Click on any feature to learn more.)

Product Capabilities


View Models

Use this best in class viewer to immediately open and understand models from multiple sources (IFC, OBJ, point cloud) and inspect all captured object properties.


Merge multiple models

Combine multiple models from different BIM files into one project view. Easily align different models for coordinated viewing.


Revit® plugin and direct export

Easily export any Revit models directly into Visicon using the plugin that is created within your instance of Revit upon Visicon installation; all linked Revit models, CAD files and point clouds can also be exported. Bring any associated 3D objects, comments or issues from Visicon back to Revit.


Save as compressed VXF file

Save and share any model into this native Visicon file format which retains almost 100% of any other native file type’s data at a fraction of the size for unprecedented speed. Files can be password secured and are fully encrypted.


Open any VXF file

Quickly open and view any models that you receive from others that are saved in the compressed and encrypted Visicon native file format.


Markup and measure

Record and distribute comments via 2D markups & overlays and 3D annotations and then capture the views. Get single or aggregated calculations on measurements including counts, heights, lengths (member, horizontal perimeter), surface areas (vertical, horizontal, or total), section areas (vertical, horizontal, or total), thicknesses, volumes, and weights.


Import ETABS models

Access and evaluate all geometry, material properties, applied gravity loads and load combinations by importing any ETABS E2K file; no active ETABS license is required.  Identify and understand changes in your structural analysis models and/or compare to other BIM models such as Revit®.


Import ADAPT-Builder models

Access and evaluate all geometry, tendons, rebar, applied gravity loads, material properties, and load combinations by importing any ADAPT INP file.  Adjust tendon anchor layouts and splays in Visicon and even import into Revit®.


Unlimited views and issues

Efficiently identify, tag, and classify issues; capture views, report them, and assign to other users. Automatically generate issues using various model comparison operations. Issues can also be exported back into Revit®.


Flexible selection filters

Dynamically isolate specific items in your model for pre-selection or as an input into various model operations.  Inputs can comprise of inclusions, exclusions, and other model-based constraints.


Clash Check

Run rapid tests to identify touching or overlapping components.  Use different settings for contact, penetration and extremity tolerances to control different types of clashes (soft vs. hard) and generate related issues.  Combine clashes with a particular component for simplified reporting and resolution.


Clearance check

Quickly check a set of model objects against themselves or one another for any minimum clearance requirements.  Operations include clearance direction, distance and boundary tolerance.  Issues are automatically generated.


Component matching check

Match and compare modeling assumptions made between any two models. Automatically identify modeling discrepancies between models and display results graphically. Test for geometric conformity or any relationship between component properties. Discrepancy report can also be exported in XLSX tables.


Summary reports

Prepare easy to understand reports in PDF that provide a summary of all views, markups, and/or issues.


Checking rules

Use powerful expression-driven rules that can isolate specific conditions in your models (ex: slab thickness, material types) and then dictate how you wish to have those conditions displayed (ex: isolated, colored) or conditioned (pass/fail). You can even create rule sets that string together a series of rules to generate multiple conditions (ex: isolate concrete slabs and colorize by thickness).


Model data comparison

Access a suite of powerful operations to quickly compare both object geometries and properties. Automatically generate issues for each potential discrepancy.


3D Boolean difference

Quickly pinpoint physical changes in objects between two versions of the same model, display the results, and generate issues.


Variance check

Easily identify any variation between two models and generate an issue for each change. You can also elect to narrow down the check by any combination of specific geometric (ex: volume) or non-geometric (ex: material) properties.


Display external data

Gain a better understanding of your external data by importing it back into your Visicon project and visualize it on your model.


Export Data

Get unrestricted access to any model data by exporting for post-processing and evaluation using XLXS.


Quantity reports

Get all model quantity data in a fast and flexible format. Or run a quantity variance report to compare specified variable changes across two models.


Configuration templates

Use your saved templates to immediately get the information you’re looking for from any model you view. Easily save and share custom filters, rules, operations and report settings as templates and re-apply them across all your models.


Tributary areas and load paths

Quickly understand load distribution of any structural model. View all load paths from the roof to the foundation. Identify and colorize all tributary regions for slabs, columns and walls. Calculate and report individual or culminative tributary areas and identify highest loaded members by color.